Tuesday, August 19, 2008

You WILL think I'm cute...

It's no secret Brent and I are nerds, and as thus, we are big Star Wars fans. This year for Halloween we'll be showing that side as Obi Brent Kenobi, Padme Amegala and Yodrew. Drew, being the little Jedi he is, has already started practicing. He wanted to put on my brown jacket, and lo and behold -- a Jedi!

It was just too cute! If you know me, you'll know I am making Drew's costume, and it will be much better than this. But if I didn't care, this would have been perfect! Drew was sure enjoying it. He was running around like a wild man and laughing.

1 comment:

The Conders said...

Hey Meg! It's Brynn! I can't believe how big Drew is getting! I see you have made the big move! Looks like all is going really well! I'm glad I happened upon your blog and can get updates on how you guys are doing!