Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's finally over!!!

Can I get a Yeeee-haw? Brent is done! We survived (barely) our first semester of dental school. Brent finished his last test yesterday morning. Unfortunately, we all have colds and are not enjoying the moment as much as we would like.
We went out to dinner last night to celebrate the occasion. Now we're just hanging out and trying to get our house in order before we head home for Christmas, which is in just five more days...

I'm in the cantata performance tomorrow night, and I'm a little nervous. We had a good, but extremely exhausting and long, rehearsal this morning. Now I just have to survive the performance. As most of you know, anytime I have some kind of performance, I am ALWAYS sick, so it's fitting that I'm perfectly, miserably entrenched in tissues and nose spray. Yuck!

I wrote a Christmas story to share with my girls in Young Women's tomorrow. Check it out on my other blog:
Merry Christmas! We can't wait to see all those of you waiting for us in Utah!

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