Sunday, April 3, 2011

More Spring Break...

Not much happened this week until this weekend -- my sister-in-law stopped by for a very short but very appreciated visit on her way to Ohio this weekend. We'll see her again in September, though, so we'll at least have that to look forward to. :) Love you, Julie! Bryn's two bottom centrals are coming in and she's not a happy teether, but she's otherwise doing great. I turned Drew's paperwork in for preK in the fall -- how weird! Also, Drew's second soccer game (yesterday) went really well. I'll post some soccer pics soon...

A funny moment this week: Friday morning, Drew woke up crying (he seems to usually get his nightmares right before he wakes up), so I went in to comfort him and make him feel better. I tried to get him to tell me what his dream was about.
"What did you dream about?"
"I was dreaming about... noodles."
"Yeah, I was finally having the noodle dream."
Haha! We were having a conversation directly out of Kung Fu Panda, Drew's current fav movie. He was just crying, and he went straight into the movie quotes. He cracks me up!

So more catching up on Spring Break. My brother- and sister-in-law came down from Ohio to spend a whole week with us, and we had soooo much fun! We went to Bricktown, the zoo and Lake Arcadia. I got to spend time spoiling my three nephews, and I was so happy to meet my newest one who was born just a few weeks after Bryn.

Our newest little chunky monkey -- I'm glad he likes to snuggle, because mine doesn't!

This is my new favorite picture. Drew had sooooo much fun with his cousins -- he still keeps talking about them. We were up at Arcadia Lake, and the boys were being so silly. I'm glad I had my camera because this is one of those priceless moments.

Their hands and faces are covered with smores. They just all sat together on the picnic table and were giggling. I asked them if they liked smores, and all three yelled, "Yeeeeaaaaaaaaahhh!" So I kept asking them questions and they kept giving me the same answer while they showed me their messy fingers. They had such a good time together.

Seriously, what's better than your cousins?

This was in Bricktown along the Riverwalk. We fed some ducks, ate some barbecue and enjoyed hanging out...

These boys and their daddy... What a lucky bunch to have each other!

This is also a favorite! It makes my heart almost burst to see the way Drew and Bryn look at each other sometimes. I was so concerned that Drew would be jealous, that Bryn would be indifferent, and yet in such a short time, they really adore each other. Bryn will laugh for Drew like she will for no one else -- I just love it!

We also had to visit the zoo -- our elephants are back (they were gone before we moved to Oklahoma, so we're excited they're finally in the zoo).

Haha! This is why I miss you guys so much... :)

Really, they're normal... sometimes.

My sister-in-law's sister also lives here, so we got to hang out with them a lot too. Bonus: They had a pool and fed us smoked ribs and chicken. Heavenly...

It was cold, but Drew had a blast, and he's getting so good swimming on his own (with life jacket, of course).

All the boys loved the zoo, especially all the fun statues to climb on.

But walking around a giant zoo is tiring. I had Bryn in my single, so these guys had to compete for space in the double. :)

L is showing me what a tiger says... ROAR!

Oh, so much fun seeing them again! Thanks again for coming to see us -- it was an awesome Spring Break, and we miss you so much! For a few more pics (if you're not already sick of them all), check out my new craft blog to see a fun project I did with the boys while they were here.

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