Sunday, January 29, 2012

The green monster...

Oh boy, are we in trouble... Bryn is now a big 17 months old (less than a month to nursery, yeah!), and she is a beautiful, wonderful, fun girl. But does she ever keep me on my toes!

Brent and I are full back into the swing of things; he's working very hard to get in all his requirements during his last semester, and I'm as busy as ever with my millions of projects and plans and trying to get our house put together to sell. Bryn makes all of this extra interesting. :)

I was busy doing something on my computer, both the kids in the living room with me. I have a pretty good idea of the state of the house and the things Bryn likes to get in to, but she suprised me with this one. I look up and she's covered in green...

This picture doesn't even do it justice! Apparently she had gone into Drew's room, the door of which should be and usually is always closed. And there happened to be a dollar-store stamp (the kind that's both a stamp and an ink pad all in one) on the floor. She was eating it...

There was the bright green all over the bottom half of her face, in her mouth, all over her hands and running down her arms, dribbled down the front of her (new) shirt and pooling in the seat of my special rocking chair. Yes, I freaked out!

The chair was the easiest part to clean, and I had to soak her shirt with OxyClean, but that came out, too. But she looked like this for the rest of the day. The green on her face faded to this funny, thin mustache by dinner time. I'm just glad she didn't get sick.

I have to admit, it's pretty funny. This girl definitely makes us laugh every single day! I asked her to show me her hands and this is what she did...

And now, we must introduce you to my favorite face, the stink face. Not sure how she started doing this, but it makes me laugh, and then she laughs at herself, which is ridiculously cute... (This looks especially appropriate with all the green on her face.)

Haha! Seriously, what will I do with this little character? Probably just love her to death and try to laugh at everything she puts us through.

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