Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's party time...

We had so much fun going home for Christmas this year. But before we went home, we had a little Christmas of our own -- there was something really special the year before when we didn't go and we had Christmas with just our little family.

Bryn is getting so big; I don't think she totally understands about Christmas, but she really liked ripping the paper off everything. (I love that she has started wearing my shoes, I had to throw this picture in...)

Drew was sooooo excited for Christmas; after we set up our tree, every morning he came into the living room and said, "Oh, the tree!" And he'd shimmy underneath it to turn on the lights and the star.

We stopped first in Vegas to go see our best friends. Their little boy, Shay, and Drew were fast friends. It's always great to see them, and never long enough...

Then we headed to Cedar and it was wonderful to get to see everyone in the family. We went sledding and out to eat and caught up on everything. One of the highlights of our trip was a big party my sister-in-law Julie planned for Brent and his brother, Jay, both of whom will be graduating in the spring from dental school.

She did such an awesome job with this party! We had a delicious dinner and lots of fun little activities. Here Julie's giving my nephew Lennix a fake shot with syringe pens.

The soon-to-be dentists with their kiddos

Ang and Lexie having some dinner

We had a table full of candy, and Bryn was trying to get anything she could grab. Luckily it was the wrapped candy that was within her reach.

And you can't have a party without embarrassing the boys a little -- they had to dress up as the tooth fairy for some of the activities. Pretty handsome in that getup...

Jens trying out the tiara 

The boys also had to do a Minute to Win It game -- take two toothbrushes from a holder on the bill of a cap and transfer them to another toothbrush holder. It looked so hard, but they both did it. Well, mostly... Brent almost had it but it fell out at the last second.

Oh, my silly Brent. I'm so proud of him, though. He has worked so hard in dental school, not only to pass his classes and get his requirements but also to keep a balance between school work and being home with us. We just found out he passed his boards with flying colors.  

More on Christmas is my next post...

1 comment:

Jordan and Katrina Hansen said...

Hooray for passing the boards!!!