Sorry, I'm not going to draw any profound conclusion about how soccer is like motherhood, except now that I think of it, motherhood can sometimes feel like someone kicked you in the shins, hard, but then it gets better and you feel the thrill of victory... Well, moving on. :)
About soccer, our season is drawing to a close. We only have one more practice and one more game with the Cool Cats, so I thought I'd share the team picture I took. All the kids are looking at the camera, so I consider it a success. Just like our little team here -- I think we only made one goal all season (all because Kenz got a throw-in goal -- woohoo!), but the kids all got a lot better! So, success.
Drew went from whining about not wanting to play to being sad when he had to sit out while it was someone else's turn. Still had some tears in the last couple of games when other kids stole the ball and he subsequently tripped, but he stopped crying and got back out there. That's what's important, just like in life when you sometimes fall down.... Hehe, just kidding. No more analogies. Really.
And, of course, thanks to our lovely and talented Coach Keri for crazily volunteering for this gig and making it so much fun for the kids. Thanks Keri!
My little soccer player -- he only looks like that when I'm taking his picture. He actually loves to play...
Go Cool Cats!
And now for the motherhood part you've been anxiously waiting for. Kindly waiting for me to get around to? Sure...
We had a little somethin' this weekend, a little day to appreciate the women in your life, you know... Yes, thank you, I had a nice Mother's Day. But I couldn't help this year thinking about how blessed I am to be a mom. I was feeling kinda bad -- no, not guilt like most women seem to feel, just unhappy about a few things -- and when Drew came and snuggled up in my arms, I realized that even if everything else in my life went wrong, everything would still be ok as long as I have Drew and Bryn (and the hubby too, of course). And yes, living in tornado alley, I do think about what would happen if we got a big storm...
As long as I get to look into those blue eyes (yep, still blue and still crossing my fingers they stay that way), as long as she flashes that million-watt smile that makes strangers stop to say hello, as long as she makes happing baby noises when she wakes up in the morning.. long as I get to hug this little man every morning, and hear him tell me he loves me at night, as long as I get to enjoy as much of his craziness as possible during the day...
... I'll be ok, and I'll come out of things happy. Is it attitude? Because I'm trying to recognize the amazing blessings the Lord gave me? Partly. But also because I'm finally starting to see how important my mundane days are, how much I value getting to stay home with my munchkins, and because they really are the most amazing blessings.
Heavy, but hey, sometimes life is heavy, like an over-inflated soccer ball... ;) Had to throw one more in there, and I'm really just kidding with the analogies. Thought the title implied you'd get one, sorry they're super lame.
Happy Mother's Day!!