Thursday, August 26, 2010

More baby pics...

I think we broke our camera. :( Not our nice big Rebel, thank goodness, but our little Canon point-and-shoot. I can't load the pictures I took, and the later ones are out of focus. Boo...

But you can see some really cute pictures of our new little one at this website: Search for us by hospital (it didn't work when I tried to find it by searching by mother) -- enter the birth date (Aug. 23) and our city. Then click on Mercy Hospital. That should bring up my name. Just click on us and you can see the pictures an Our365 rep took on Tuesday. They turned out pretty cute. :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Goodbye, baby belly!

Our little girl is finally here! She was born on Monday; she's a whopping 8 lbs. 13 oz. and 20.5 inches long.

Everything went well. I was induced around 6 a.m. on Monday; everything started going quickly after the doctor broke my water just before 9. I got my epidural around 10, and she was born at 12:56 p.m. She came very quickly -- only six pushes! She's doing well, and I'm doing about as good as I expected given what I did on Monday. :) Thanks for all the congratulations and well wishes. We're excited she's here, and Drew's been a great little helper. My in-laws have been in town since Saturday, and we couldn't do it without them! I'm so glad they're here. Then I get another week with my mom, so I'm feeling super lucky to have all the help, especially because Brent started school today.

Drew came to see us Monday night; I have the sweetest little munchkins -- I feel so blessed!

Friday, August 20, 2010

It's almost baby time...

I just wanted to brag a little bit: I made this!

Here is Bryn's blessing dress (no idea when we'll be blessing her, though). That was my big project for the summer. I took it up to my mom's because she has a serger and I wanted to do a really good job with this. It's nothing too fancy, but I'm just glad I could make something special for my new little girl. I was so happy with the way it turned out -- it has a satin lining and I even hand-stitched the hem. :)

I went to my last doctor's appointment today, and despite previous signs, I don't think the baby is coming early (1.5 cm dialated, hardly effaced). So we'll be headed to the hospital bright and early Monday morning for an induction. My in-laws are on their way here, and we get to keep them for a whole week! Then my mom is headed out next weekend, and we get to keep her for another week. I'm so grateful our family is finding a way to come out and help -- I really miss them and it will be so nice to have the extra hands. Plus, it's fun they get to meet their new granddaughter (a girl is a rarity on both sides of our family). Wish me luck -- I'm so ready to not be pregnant anymore, but I am also very, very nervous about the whole process of being not being pregnant and the adjustment to two kids...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fourth of July

We had a great Fourth of July! We were lucky enough that Brent got to take a break from the Texas heat and fly to Utah to be with us for the holiday weekend.

I didn't think Drew would like sparklers, so we decided to try pops. He loved them! Of course, it didn't help that Brent and my brother were throwing them at each others' feet -- always teaching the kids something bad. :) When it came time to do our own little fireworks show, Drew wasn't so happy. He wouldn't let Brent let go of him, and he kept begging to go inside. He doesn't like fireworks...

But the little pops were too much fun. I'm so glad Tyler and Lindsey got to come up and hang out with us. I have to add that the Fourth took on special meaning this year. Now I can really appreciate the sacrifice so many people are making to have their military loved ones away to protect us -- and my sacrifice was significantly less than most other military wives. I am glad that we can do some small part to support our troops with our service, and I'm so grateful for all those who are serving their country.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Quick baby update...

I have some belly pics to share, but until I can get them posted, I thought I ought to update everyone on the baby situation. I'm due Aug. 28, but Bryn is measuring a week ahead. We have a scheduled induction on Aug. 23 -- yeah, that's also the first day of school, but it's the earliest they'd take me. I have also shown signs of going early, so while I'm planning on the 23rd, I wouldn't be surprised if she showed up even earlier. We'll keep everyone posted!

Fun at Willard Bay...

Brent got to fly up to Utah to be with Drew and me for the Fourth of July weekend. On that Saturday, we got to go play with my parents' new toy: the waverunner. We had lots of fun! It was cooler, which was nice for me. I wasn't sure how Drew would react -- he loves water, but he's never been on a waverunner or boat or anything. He was so serious; we still weren't sure how he felt until after he went for a run with my brother, then he immediately asked, very seriously, "Again?"

He didn't smile a lot, but he kept wanting to go back out on the water. Brent tried to do some faster, fun things with Drew, and he just said, "Go slower, dad."

Uncle Tyler took Drew out for his first ride. I think he wanted to help steer; such a boy!

We got some smiles when he played on the beach. This kid loves water! Yes, his lifejacket is a little big, so it kept creeping up toward his ears. But this way, it will fit him longer. :)

Drew found a piece of driftwood higher on the beach. He came running to me and said, "Dinosaur!" So I just told him, "Cool! Did you find a dinosaur bone?" It was too cute...

The beach is, of course, a little dirty. And boys love to play in the dirt. So Drew got his hands all dirty, and that just tends to spread. I love that dirty little mug. :)

Why do I get so dirty? I don't know...