Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Whew! Brent's big test is over! I'm hoping I'll get to see him a lot more now that he's done with boards as well as two of his classes.

We had a great Thanksgiving with our dental/ward friends. And the kids got to enjoy Drew's early Christmas present with him -- a trampoline!

I've been spending some time with my new toy (Canon Rebel), and I'm loving it! It's also an early Christmas. I've still got a long ways to go figuring out this thing and learning how to use it best. But here's a picture I took yesterday of Drew (and tweaked in Photoshop, another thing I have a lot to learn about -- if you know of any good books on Photoshop for photographers, let me know!)

We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and we can't wait to see all you Utah/Las Vegas people in a few weeks! :)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Here comes the big test...

This semester has been crazy, and Brent has been working hard! He's had a lot of tests lately, but he's already finished two of his classes. But it's time for the big one: He takes his first boards on Wednesday. If you wouldn't mind sending prayers/happy thoughts/spare brain cells our way, we would sure appreciate it! Thanks, friends and family! We sure miss all of you!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Writing and picture taking and living...

November is National Novel Writing Month (see explanation on my writing blog, link at bottom of list at the left). I've been participating (the goal is to write a 50,000-word novel by the end of the month). It didn't happen last week, so I think I may have put that goal out of reach for the end of the month, but it's been a great experience. I'll try to post some of my project -- check my other blog if you want to read a chapter!

PS- Tomorrow is going to be one of the best days ever!!! UPS will be bringing me my very own Canon Rebel XSi -- and I'm so excited! I love photography, and now I'll have a good camera for it. WOOHOO! Merry early Christmas to me!

Monday, November 2, 2009


We had a GREAT Halloween! We got to start things off on Friday at our ward Halloween party. It was a blast, and I didn't even spill chili on my white costume!

I took Drew trick-or-treating with my friends Keri and Danielle and their girls. I just love Drew in his little Jedi get-up. :)

Here's Drew and all the girls in the customary pre-trick-or-treat pics.

Drew and Ady now have this drill down: Knock on the door, several times, say the magic words and get candy!

Walking up the street in our neighborhood... We had absolutely gorgeous weather!

Our neighbor up the street had an awesome fall display on her porch...

Then we headed down to Norman for the big party! We were officially the "Star Wars" family this year. I think everyone kept calling us that because they didn't know who I was supposed to be (fyi: Padme Amidala, NOT Princess Leia).

We had so much fun -- eating and singing and laughing all night long! Well, maybe not all night; most of us have kids...

Dave and Jordan took the talent prize for best karaoke! Jordan's so dreamy... Ahhh! :) I think this is my favorite pic from the party!

We even got Brent to sing a few, despite his swearing he wouldn't before we went to the party. So much fun!

Once again, so grateful for the friends we have out here! Thanks guys! You're the best! Now, on to finishing off Drew's candy... Thank goodness Brent will get to clean my teeth again in a few weeks. Perfect timing!