Saturday, December 20, 2008
It's finally over!!!
We went out to dinner last night to celebrate the occasion. Now we're just hanging out and trying to get our house in order before we head home for Christmas, which is in just five more days...
I'm in the cantata performance tomorrow night, and I'm a little nervous. We had a good, but extremely exhausting and long, rehearsal this morning. Now I just have to survive the performance. As most of you know, anytime I have some kind of performance, I am ALWAYS sick, so it's fitting that I'm perfectly, miserably entrenched in tissues and nose spray. Yuck!
I wrote a Christmas story to share with my girls in Young Women's tomorrow. Check it out on my other blog:
Merry Christmas! We can't wait to see all those of you waiting for us in Utah!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Early visit from Santa...
It wasn't a big thing, but it was a lot of fun. I have to admit that while I got all my shopping done a few weeks ago, you wouldn't know it was Christmas at our house. We haven't bothered with any decorations or a tree.
Santa brought Drew some more books, and Drew's favorite present is "The Ten Friendly Fireflies" book. You count up the number of fireflies, and you push a button to make them light up. Drew thinks it's the coolest thing ever!
Then from us he received some more books (what can I say? the kid loves books!) and a little magnet doodle thing. But the biggest present...
is a potty! I know Drew's no where close to potty training, but I got it for a decent price and I thought it would be fun for him to open it. It's in the bathroom to plant the idea of him one day using the potty. He knows the sign and he knows what it is (he comes in and tells me every time he sees me go into the bathroom). It's a cool little thing because you can remove the seat and use it on the big potty and it also turns into a stepping stool so he can wash his hands and maybe brush his teeth.
I got Brent some shirts and Wall-E, and he got me some new earphones for my iPod and a couple of movies. But it's definitely more fun to watch Drew open his presents. I can't wait for next Christmas -- I've already got his present for that. He's getting a MegaBlocks set. I wanted to get it for him this year, decided he was too young and I wasn't going to get them, and then I found them for a really good price. But for now, he'll have to be happy with a potty. :) Ahhhhh, the simple joys of my little boy. He'll probably think we're crazy when he's older.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Back to work...
We spent Wednesday cleaning, and our house really needed it. It's nice to have a clean house; now I'm just trying to keep it that way. We had a nice Thanksgiving (see previous post). Then on Friday we hit the Cowboy Museum (see post before the last one), and went to the light parade. Now that was an adventure! We invited our friends Brian and JQ Hanson and their little boy, Joey, to see the parade with us. I thought it would be in Bricktown on the little canal. Not so much -- it was on the actual river that runs through the city. Still, we thought it would be fun. We found a Little Caesar's nearby on the Internet so we could go get pizza and go to the parade. We've had problems with the Internet being very innacurate and restaurants just not being there. Such was the case, AGAIN! Luckily I had brought our phone book, but the next closest one was quite a trip. We ended up getting to the park by the river just as the parade was supposed to start, and our friends were trying to find the park where we had agreed to watch the parade. The evening just got more ridiculous:
First off, it was VERY cold! We had brought some warm things, but not enough. We were freezing!
The second thing, we get to the park, put down our blanket and sit down to eat our pizza. And ouch! The ground was covered in stickers! These were weedy little things that were extremely sharp and stuck to everything. They were all over my shoes, got on our blanket, in my coat, in my hoodie, EVERYWHERE! We tried to keep Drew in the stroller as long as possible because we didn't want him covered with the little evil plants, but again, no such luck. We did keep him mostly unharmed, but he still fell down a couple of times.
Our friends finally found us, and luckily the parade hadn't started yet. They were just in time for some fireworks, which was fun. We had to wait around probably another 10 or 15 minutes after that for the parade to start, and it was lame! The boats were too small, didn't have enough lights and were on the other side of the river. We felt bad ditching our friends, but Drew was cold and ornery, so we left.
(Doesn't this picture look just like my sister? This is a totally Sarah face, and Drew looks just like her!)
Drew must have enjoyed the whole advernture despite our mishaps. He was in a great mood. When we got home, we shared some grapes and then he wore the bowl like a hat.
Such a character! What would we do for entertainment without our little Drewby bear?
Ahhhhhh, Thanksgiving...
It got too hot in the house with all the cooking, so Brent and Drew spent some time "sweeping" the deck.
Drew, the smart little turkey, is now tall enough to reach our dead-bolt locks. Nothing keeps in the apartment any more, except for a stern, "You stay in here!" I don't mind so much if he goes out on the deck. We've tried as much to make it a safe place for him, but he loves to play with Brent's grill, and we have wooden posts. There's a spot on the middle post where the wood is splintered a little bit, so he'll pull off wood chunks or paint chips and eat them. :(
Drew didn't eat much, but he loved having people over. Our friends have a 10-month-old son who is pulling himself up and crawling around. Drew got down and wanted to crawl with him; he couldn't figure out why Elian wasn't chasing-crawling after him. Of course, we ate way too much, but it was delicious. I think I felt full for three days. Hope everyone else had a great Thanksgiving!