Sunday, December 14, 2008

Early visit from Santa...

That's right: The big man in red has already been to our house, although I'm sure Drew will get another visit at his grandmas' houses. And he wasn't too sneaky about it either...

For the Staples Society at OU College of Denstristry, Brent was recruited to play the jolly saint. It was quite a chore getting him all dressed up, and that was just to make sure everything fit ok. Then he had to do it all over again at the elementary school where they passed out presents. Brent said it was a lot of fun, and the kids loved him! The school had some underpriviledged kids; Brent said they asked for things like coats and shoes, although a lot of them wanted videogames and skateboards, too. They passed out stockings to some of the younger kids, and then they had some fun presents, like basketballs, for the older kids. A local TV station even interviewed Brent, but we haven't been able to find the interview. :(
Unfortunately, Drew didn't like the whole Santa thing much, so this is the only picture I could get of him -- ready to run away!
So I decided we should do Christmas early because A) it's less time I have to wait for Brent and Drew to open their presents, and you all know how impatient I get about stuff like that, and B) so we could enjoy it before we go home for the holidays.

It wasn't a big thing, but it was a lot of fun. I have to admit that while I got all my shopping done a few weeks ago, you wouldn't know it was Christmas at our house. We haven't bothered with any decorations or a tree.

Santa brought Drew some more books, and Drew's favorite present is "The Ten Friendly Fireflies" book. You count up the number of fireflies, and you push a button to make them light up. Drew thinks it's the coolest thing ever!

Then from us he received some more books (what can I say? the kid loves books!) and a little magnet doodle thing. But the biggest present...

is a potty! I know Drew's no where close to potty training, but I got it for a decent price and I thought it would be fun for him to open it. It's in the bathroom to plant the idea of him one day using the potty. He knows the sign and he knows what it is (he comes in and tells me every time he sees me go into the bathroom). It's a cool little thing because you can remove the seat and use it on the big potty and it also turns into a stepping stool so he can wash his hands and maybe brush his teeth.

I got Brent some shirts and Wall-E, and he got me some new earphones for my iPod and a couple of movies. But it's definitely more fun to watch Drew open his presents. I can't wait for next Christmas -- I've already got his present for that. He's getting a MegaBlocks set. I wanted to get it for him this year, decided he was too young and I wasn't going to get them, and then I found them for a really good price. But for now, he'll have to be happy with a potty. :) Ahhhhh, the simple joys of my little boy. He'll probably think we're crazy when he's older.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

He won't think you guys are crazy, you guys are awesome parents! I love that you had an early Christmas morning, that sounds like so much fun. And how cool that Brent got to be Santa! I feel like I know someone famous! ;)