Sunday, April 1, 2012


Not sure how we got here, but here we are suddenly! Brent only has a few more requirements to finish up and he will be done with school! He'll be a full-fledged dentist in a month and a half! He's worked really hard, and for him, I'm excited to be done with school. But at the same time, I can't imagine not having our incredible friends around anymore...

We have been so very blessed during our time at dental school; this is our dental family. We went to an OKC staple on Tuesday and had dinner at Pops. We are having a gorgeous spring, and a picnic on the back lawn at the restaurant was fantastic! The kids flew a kite and we played frisbee and football.

We have loved our time at dental school because of these wonderful people. I can't believe we're almost done! We are excited about our next step, but I know there will be plenty of bitter with the sweet when I say goodbye to our first house, our fantastic ward at church and the amazing friends who have made this a great adventure. But if I loved it this much here, I'm sure we'll also love New York.

Thanks, friends, for everything! You really are the best!


Jordan and Katrina Hansen said...

awww! Loved this post! And thanks for getting the picture of our group & emailing it to all of us.

The Smith Fam said...

I feel ya Meg! Love you! And thanks for the pictures:)