Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mitch update

As most of you know, my brother-in-law finally got called up to the big leagues (Tampa Bay Rays). He had one game as a reliever the Monday after he got called up, but he got to start the game Tuesday (Sept. 23). We bought the game so we could watch it online; it was so fun to see him at work. We think he did awesome! My brother found this cool picture of him during that game. We're so excited for him to have this chance -- he's been working so hard, and he's just full of talent. Also, he pitched his third game, this time relieving again, today. Go Mitch, and go Rays! Cross your fingers for a World Series run...

Looooong week...

I'll keep this short, mostly because I'm typing with one hand. Suffice it to say there was an accident, my fault of course; it resulted in stitches and a tetanus shot and, consequently, medication that made me nauseated all week. I'm going back to the urgent care facility to get the stitches out tomorrow, and I cut back on the meds (not completely) and the nausea is under control as long as I eat. Drew has been very good for me, but it's really been a long week. I think it's over and I can get back to real life, I truly hope.
I did take pictures to document my trauma, mostly because this was a first for me, having to get emergency stitches (3 of them). However, I've found most of the sweet women who ask me how I'm doing want to know what happened and then tell me the thought alone makes them sick, so you'll have to request pictures or an email if you want all the gory details -- I won't post it here. :)
Thank goodness I finally gave in and bought "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer to distract myself this week. As I knew I would, I absolutely loved the book, but it only lasted me one day; I devoured it so quickly. I just finished "New Moon" today and I'm borrowing "Eclipse" from my friend Leanne. That will probably last me another day or two... Yeah for good books!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


No, Drew still isn't talking, but he's really good at signs (thank you, Steve and Cass! What would we do without Signing Times, which is currently his favorite thing to watch?). Last week he picked up yet another sign -- doggie. But he didn't do it quite like he was supposed to. You just have to see for yourself...

Scar face...

Drew is our little tough guy, and he proved it yesterday. First of all, we got him his first tattoo.

Our apartment complex had a fall party. We had a blow-up, jumpy castle and a blow-up, giant slide in the parking lot, although Drew was too frightened to have anything to do with either one, even when there were no other kids around. He got a plastic red bat and baseball that he now carries around the house with him everywhere. We played on the grass and everyone noticed our little guy's great throwing arm. Hey, Uncle Mitch just got called up to the big leagues for the Tampa Bay Rays. It must be in the genes somewhere -- even if Brent feels like he got skipped. :) Then we got him this little rub-on tattoo.
When Brent got home, we went down to enjoy some Oklahoma barbecue in the sports court. We headed back to the apartment to get changed and help our friends Jordan and Katrina move into their new house when Drew took a little spill...
Ok, a big spill. We have a couple of cement stairs between the sidewalk in front of our building and the parking lot. This kid seems attracted to danger, so of course he was running for the parking lot and suddenly -- bam! The head went down and the legs flew in the air when he took a misstep. He looks like a tough kid with his tattoo and his battle scars on his face. :)

Grrrrrr! Don't mess with scar face...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cheeser -- with the cheese!

Just another captured moment at the Talbot abode! Drew had a hunk of cheese stuck to his lip, so I asked him to give me a cheeser, too!

Our little guy just doesn't seem so little anymore. His tray was dirty this morning, so I pulled him up to the table for breakfast. He really enjoyed it!

This week Brent had two tests -- human physiology and biochemistry. And he did awesome! He's working really hard and I'm so proud of him! This will be his hardest semester.

My bro- and sis-in-law (Jay and Mel) are currently on their way to Columbus to start dental school at Ohio State. I'm excited for them to go, but I feel like I'm missing them more than ever (although now they'll only be 13 hours away instead of 18). :)

Thursday is Brent's 29th birthday, so everyone wish him a great day!

And for those of you who say you've finally joined the herd of bloggers, (aka Steve and BranDee)thanks from me. I know you resisted because everyone is doing it (I know I did), but I love reading everyone's blogs. I check them at least once a week.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Not much to report in our lives. We enjoyed having an extra day with Brent during the holiday weekend. Drew got a smiley face sticker at Wal-Mart. Brent stuck it on his forehead and Drew didn't notice much.
Drew's learning more and more all the time. He now signs mom and dad really well. He knows to fold his hands when we pray, and sometimes several times during a meal (apparently one prayer is not enough). He can't quite say "Amen" at the end, but he tries! We're also trying to teach him to say "Jesus," but he thinks we're saying "cheeser" and he gives us this face in reply!

OOOOOooohhh! That's baby butt soft!