Sunday, September 28, 2008

Looooong week...

I'll keep this short, mostly because I'm typing with one hand. Suffice it to say there was an accident, my fault of course; it resulted in stitches and a tetanus shot and, consequently, medication that made me nauseated all week. I'm going back to the urgent care facility to get the stitches out tomorrow, and I cut back on the meds (not completely) and the nausea is under control as long as I eat. Drew has been very good for me, but it's really been a long week. I think it's over and I can get back to real life, I truly hope.
I did take pictures to document my trauma, mostly because this was a first for me, having to get emergency stitches (3 of them). However, I've found most of the sweet women who ask me how I'm doing want to know what happened and then tell me the thought alone makes them sick, so you'll have to request pictures or an email if you want all the gory details -- I won't post it here. :)
Thank goodness I finally gave in and bought "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer to distract myself this week. As I knew I would, I absolutely loved the book, but it only lasted me one day; I devoured it so quickly. I just finished "New Moon" today and I'm borrowing "Eclipse" from my friend Leanne. That will probably last me another day or two... Yeah for good books!

1 comment:

Tawny said...

So Sorry to hear about your no good-very-bad week. I am glad things are getting better. I love your boy!! What a doll!!