We really miss all of you, but we're enjoying our first Christmas at home. Monday was in the 70s and an absolutely gorgeous day, so we went to the zoo where we fed the ducks and played on the playground. It was perfect! We've also enjoyed plenty of Christmas movies and last night we drove around looking at Christmas lights while enjoying some ice cream to celebrate a completely dry day for Drew (two days in a row -- we're making progress!).
Sorry we didn't do a family newsletter this year; the holidays got a little too crazy for me, so you're lucky to even get our Christmas card. :) But I can't help reflecting on our past year. It was one year ago that we found out our little family was going to change. It was a really difficult year, but now I have a beautiful, smiling, rolling-over 4 month old that I adore more each day.

Drew is getting smarter and more athletic and handsomer every day. I don't know where this kid came from, honestly! We love him so much, even with his slightly violent 3-year-old tantrums. (Please don't mind the underwear; we're potty-training.)

After having Bryn, I've been able to get back into all the things I enjoy, like photography, writing, sewing and paper crafts. I've still got a lot of things to work on with my photography (like proper focus in the picture above), but I feel like I'm really finding my style with kids and family portraits. I've also been doing a preschool with my friends and it's so much fun! I get four Monday mornings off, then I get all the kids for a morning. Drew has a blast! And it's good prep for him -- he starts preK in the fall!!!

Brent hasn't had much time for anything except school, but that's what makes this break so much better -- three full weeks of time with my hubby! We only have three semesters plus a summer left and we'll be done! He's been working so hard. And from now on, he just gets more and more clinic time, which I think he enjoys much more than class.

We hope all of you are enjoying your holidays as much as we are enjoying ours! Merry Christmas!!