Friday, March 12, 2010

Such a big boy...

We're so excited; my parents are coming out to see us at the end of the month, and so in trying to get ready for their visit, we moved Drew's twin-size bed into his room. I thought maybe he'd keep sleeping in the crib until he got ready for it, but he was ready right away! He slept in it that night and has ever since.

He was so excited! He had to climb right in when we got it set up. This is a bed a friend in our last ward gave us. I repainted it a bright blue and recovered the headboard. It's hard to see, but the thing on the left is a bed rail so he won't fall out. He's been sleeping pretty good, except that he's been waking up far too early for my taste. I'm hoping to get some extra sleep with daylight savings time.

Ahhhh.... He's growing up fast, but I'm so enjoying this time!

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