Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pucker up, baby cheeks!

Sorry for the absence; I really do intend to update this blog on a weekly basis, but I gave myself some leeway the last couple of weeks. I had an order for FIVE baby gifts (which turned out wonderfully, thank you) on top of four of my own. So I've been a little busy, digging myself out of a pile of yarn, flowers, cardstock, towels, etc. But I think I'm going to stick with this Etsy stuff -- seriously the most fun making all this stuff, especially for babies!

Life continues at a fast and furious pace around here. Of most significance, my husband is now 3/4 dentist. We are officially fourth years, baby! I'm so proud of him for all his hard work!

My little baby is quickly turning into an almost-toddler! And she's exploding with personality! Just look at that cheeser...

She is officially crawling -- real crawling, not army crawling or worming her way across the floor. And she's getting faster everyday; I keep finding her in unexpected places.

She can also pull herself up to standing, sometimes. It's still difficult for her but she loves to stand so she keeps trying.

She laughs, a lot, finally. She's always been very smiley, but I love, love, love to hear her laugh. And she still laughs best for her brother, whom she adores.

And today, she waved for the first time at our wonderful children's librarian while we made a quick stop to drop off/pick up books.

She loves to eat, and she can handle almost anything. Even though she still only has two teeth, she's a pro-chewer. Is it too early to enter her in an all-you-can-eat contest? I think she's got a good shot at winning...

And now for my winning shot, the pucker:

She only did it one day, at one meal. I haven't seen it since, but we were DYING! She was cracking me up! I love this little pucker, and I'm so glad I caught it with the camera because it must have been a one-time-deal kinda thing. It just reminds me of Sebastian in The Little Mermaid: "You gotta bat your eyes, like dis... You gotta pucker your lips, like dis..." Pucker? Check! Engaging blue eyes? Absolutely! Thank goodness we can also check off "extremely intimidating daddy" on the list. :)

And we can't forget to put the little man of the house in our update...

We got to meet Super Why at the zoo back in April, and I had taken a pic with my phone (because I inexplicably forgot to take my camera with me). The picture wasn't very good, very off center, and I just can't live with that. So I took another one, thought I had saved it and went on my way. When I went to text Brent this momentous occasion, the good pic was gone! I was so bummed. Well, a few weeks ago as I was constantly texting my SIL about baby stuff I was working on for her, there it was in my phone again! Mysteriously gone, mysteriously back!! Woohoo -- Drew was soooo excited to meet his super hero in person. So this is old, but I had to share.

Drew started teeball last night, and he has his first game next Tuesday. We signed him up for a summer reading program at the library, and he's already met his first two goals! Smart kid even read some of those books to me... We are also spending lots of time at our water park -- both the kids love to swim and it's been so fun trying to stay cool. :)

Well, the little princess just woke up and is calling for her mother-in-waiting, so I best attend to her demandingness... Happy June!

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