Monday, July 28, 2008

So tired...

... can't stay awake!

Drew's trying to get into a new schedule. He's going from two naps a day down to one.

I was putting him down at 2 p.m., but there's days when he's just too cranky and he goes down sooner. But then that leads to this problem -- he gets tired around 8 p.m. (We usually put him in the tub around 9:30 and he goes to bed around 10).

This was the only time he's actually fallen asleep. It was too cute! Brent was playing a video game on the computer, and I thought Drew was leaning forward because he was really interested. Maybe he was at one point, but he just conked out. Of course, he woke up like 2 minutes later and didn't go to bed until 11!

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