Tuesday, November 4, 2008

All Hallow's Eve

Instead of enjoying Halloween for just one night, it was like we had a week of Halloween. No complaints -- I worked hard to get our costumes made so I'm glad we were able to wear them more than once! On Monday night, we headed to Haunt the Zoo with some friends from our ward. Yoda only kept his hat on long enough for pictures and then he ripped off his ears!

I know this picture is blury (in my defense, I didn't take it) but until I get copies from my friend Turia, this is your glimpse at our Jedi family. :) As you can see, Drew is not happy about his ears.

On Wednesday, Brent had an event at the school and got to wear his costume, and Drew and I had a Young Men/Young Women Halloween party. Then on Friday, we got to do some trick or treating with Drew's friend, Ady. Here we're at Zack's house, and Drew is just pushing his way in because Zack's mom (who's visiting to help with their new baby) has candy inside. :)

We just went to a couple of houses; Drew was kinda cranky and wanted to walk in everybody's houses. Ady, on the other hand, knew what was going on and very sweetly said "Trick or treat!" everywhere we went. Drew wanted to eat his candy immediately. I had to dig a jawbreaker -- that was still in the wrapper -- out of his mouth. He didn't like that very much. Then we headed back to Jordan and Katrina's for our Halloween party. We all brought food and drinks and had a great time eating, playing Wii Sports and card games while the kids ran around.

We had so much fun! And we're so glad we have awesome friends to hang out with. Drew and Ady are so cute together! They're such good friends, although sharing toys is still hard...


Jay and Mel said...

Oh my goodness. he is the cutest little yoda I've ever seen. And you and Brent look so good. You are amazing!

Dave, Erin, and Shaylor Sorensen said...

Great job on the costumes Meg. You guys looked great, even though a little blury. Miss you!