Thursday, January 29, 2009

We're in the Army now...

It's even more official -- we're in the Army now! Brent swore in tonight and signed all his papers. He's now 2nd Lt. Brent Talbot. Weird, huh?

One of his professors is with the Army and he swore him, as well as our friends Dave Smith and Isaac Sebourn, in at the dental school.

It's a relief to know we're guaranteed money through dental school. I'm so grateful that we've had such a good feeling about the Army and we know it's the right decision for us. We could also end up living in some pretty cool places. :)

1 comment:

Misty Call said...

That's exciting that Brent's doing the army route and getting dental school paid for. How is everything going for you guys? We just found out that Nate got in to dental school!!! Hooray! We are so excited and so very relieved. We got into Nova and Creighton, but we're thinking we'll do Creighton since we can do the RDEP program and have instate tuition. If you have any words of wisdom, since you have a year of school under your belt, let us know:) Take care!
Misty Call