Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Announcement about Christmas
All in the family...
While I was looking through the pictures, I could just see how much Drew looks like my dad in this picture. Maybe it's just me, but there's definitely a lot of my dad in there.
Splish splash!
And boy, did Drew make the best of it! Everyone was starting to walk by on the street for their lunch break, and I could hear each of them chuckling as they saw how much Drew was enjoying it. He was completely soaked.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
You WILL think I'm cute...
It was just too cute! If you know me, you'll know I am making Drew's costume, and it will be much better than this. But if I didn't care, this would have been perfect! Drew was sure enjoying it. He was running around like a wild man and laughing.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
You learn something new everyday...
Go Redhawks!
We got to the game with about 15 minutes to go, but we had to wait in a HUGE line at the box office to get tickets. We got in during the first inning, but we missed the free hat and little baseballs giveaway. But somehow, we left the field with not one but THREE little balls that people had given Drew. I guess he is just too cute! Everyone around us would laugh when he would keep screaming after it had gotten quiet or he'd wave at people or try to grab the hair of the lady in front of us. He's always got to be doing something!
Drew and I had to get up and take a diaper break and a walk in the fifth inning, and I had to buy us an Icee (ugh! $5 for a medium sized one!) during the seventh because I forgot his sipee cup and we didn't have anything to drink. Overall he did really well. But by the bottom of the eighth and into the ninth, this is how the game ended for Drew: Go dogs. Go!
After the game we walked around Bricktown a little. The Mickey Mantle Restaurant is right across the street, which happens to be Mickey Mantle Drive or something like that. The first statue is him on the third base side.
Each entrance has a statue of a ball player from Oklahoma. This one is Johnny Bench, an amazing catcher.
Friday, August 15, 2008
We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto...
The video isn't the best, but this will give you some taste of what it was like. Our parking lot turned into a river of rain water, and the rain started coming down in sideway sheets. The thunder and lightning was incredible! This was just the beginning of the storm. The rain finally died down, and then the light show really began! We all huddled on our little deck and oooed and awwwed at the flashes of electricity. It was so fun to watch!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sleepy snack time
Cloudy means cool ...
We walked around almost the entire zoo today. I guess now that I know where I'm going it doesn't take as long. Plus I was trying to get some good exercise in for myself. I tried to take a picture of us together, but I couldn't quite get the camera at the right angle. This is the best one.
Of all the animals, I think Drew has found a new favorite in the seals and sea lions. I'm sure it helps that I let him escape the confines of his stroller to stand on the ledge by the windows where they swim past. Today he was knocking on the glass. Maybe he wanted to join them in their playful display...
Not much else is going on in our lives. Drew had to get immunizations yesterday, but the Medicaid program here won't pay for them at the doctor's office. We had to go to a clinic at the downtown health department, which took a little more than two hours. It was kinda crazy, but Drew was really good for me and sat on my lap, looking at books, making the time fly by faster. Poor kid had to get three shots, but he gets immunizations really well. Now he doesn't have to get shots until February!!
Brent takes his anatomy final tomorrow (any prayers and thoughts are appreciated). He's struggled a lot with this class, but he's almost done! Then we get a week off before he starts fall semester on the 20th. Then I'll probably never see him -- he's got 25.5 credit hours. Classes start at 8 a.m. I hope he'll have breaks to study so we can actually spend some time together, but school comes first! We were hoping to catch a baseball game this weekend, but it looks like it will probably rain again. I guess we'll see.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
The zoo has a pair of baby snow leopards that we got to see on Friday, too. But they were far away and we didn't get to see them very well. It was still another fun trip to the zoo!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Our new home
Sorry, this picture is one of my worst, but this is what our living room looks like. We got new couches (there's something wrong with the sofa, so we're getting a new one and the ottoman we ordered on Thursday). We have lots of windows, which I really enjoy. We have a deck off to the left, Drew's room and a bathroom behind where I'm standing, the kitchen behind to the right, and our bedroom just to the right of the desk.
Here's some pictures of Drew where you can see our new couches (microfiber! i really love them) and our dining area. Drew seems to like the new place. Just waiting for it to cool down a bit so we can get out and do things again. We're in the middle of a heat wave!
Brent had his second test yesterday, and while he's not too happy with his score, I will tell you he improved his score from last time and I think he did great! His final is next Wednesday and then we get a week break. I'm so excited!