Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Cloudy means cool ...

So I guess I can't find anything else to do in OKC except go to the zoo. Actually, my friend Cari invited me to go to a splash park with her and her kids (their little boy Preston is just a month older than Drew and they love to hang out together at church), but our heat wave is over and it's been rainy and cloudy. Bad day for the splash park, but great day for the zoo! It was nice and cool (like 75 instead of 105) and didn't rain; the animals were all out and active. It was another fun trip! Drew got to see the giraffes for the first time. And the ostrich came over and tried to get his shoes like it did last time we walked by his enclosure.

We walked around almost the entire zoo today. I guess now that I know where I'm going it doesn't take as long. Plus I was trying to get some good exercise in for myself. I tried to take a picture of us together, but I couldn't quite get the camera at the right angle. This is the best one.

Of all the animals, I think Drew has found a new favorite in the seals and sea lions. I'm sure it helps that I let him escape the confines of his stroller to stand on the ledge by the windows where they swim past. Today he was knocking on the glass. Maybe he wanted to join them in their playful display...

Not much else is going on in our lives. Drew had to get immunizations yesterday, but the Medicaid program here won't pay for them at the doctor's office. We had to go to a clinic at the downtown health department, which took a little more than two hours. It was kinda crazy, but Drew was really good for me and sat on my lap, looking at books, making the time fly by faster. Poor kid had to get three shots, but he gets immunizations really well. Now he doesn't have to get shots until February!!

Brent takes his anatomy final tomorrow (any prayers and thoughts are appreciated). He's struggled a lot with this class, but he's almost done! Then we get a week off before he starts fall semester on the 20th. Then I'll probably never see him -- he's got 25.5 credit hours. Classes start at 8 a.m. I hope he'll have breaks to study so we can actually spend some time together, but school comes first! We were hoping to catch a baseball game this weekend, but it looks like it will probably rain again. I guess we'll see.

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