Monday, October 13, 2008

While mom's away...

...the boys will play! Or at least dad will play and pacify the baby while putting him in the high chair and letting him feed himself yogurt!

I had my first choir practice for the Christmas Cantata with which I'm involved, and I get home to this sight: Brent sitting on the couch, not studying but playing a game on his laptop. And there's Drew in his chair, completely intent on using his little spoon to get yogurt out, smear it somewhere, then put it in his mouth to see if there's anything left. He did smile for me, but most of the time he had a pretty serious look of concentration on his face. I made Brent throw him straight in the bathtub, but then I got left with the messy high chair. Let's just say the next night when I had to go our for mutual didn't go that much better -- Drew had goldfish for dinner. I guess Brent forgot all about the other food groups. :)

1 comment:

Stitchnmom said...

That sounds like someone I know :) The kids usually get crackers or pretzels for lunch when I'm at school