Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wonderful holidays...

We've had a wonderful break! We definitely missed everyone, but we really enjoyed our time together during Brent's break. I'm sad he has to go back to school tomorrow...

Drew was really excited about Christmas this year. He was spoiled by all the grandmas and aunts and got cars, clothes, books, movies and all kinds of things! He got plenty of Super Why stuff...

Bryn even got a few toys, but mostly clothes and books. Thanks everyone, for your generosity. The kids are definitely spoiled! :)

We got lots of projects done -- including making some shelves for our millions of minibats and reorganizing the office, and we got to do lots of fun things, like go to the zoo, the park and the mall and we've had tons of ice cream. That was Drew's reward for doing well with potty training, and now that he's really getting the hang of it, we've had lots of ice cream... Brent's new toy is a drill press, and we finally got Drew's baseball jimmy-rigged so he can go out back and hit when he wants to.

The bulk of our break was spent helping Drew with the potty training and implementing a new reward system -- Drew gets a red fuzzy when he's good, and we take one away when he's misbehaving. And we made a chart and hung it on the fridge: Drew's Fuzzy Rewards. He was so excited he would read off the rewards he could earn every day. Sometimes he just reads off the list to himself at random times -- small treat, computer time, stickers, trip to the park, ice cream and the big one: a trip to the toy store. We set a goal when we started, and he wanted to go for the big reward. He earned 50 fuzzies in about a week and a half. So we went to Toys R Us, and he got to pick out something. He settled on a track and car launcher...

He's so excited about what he earned! It was the best watching him run through the toy store, considering what he could get. He was soooo happy! And I think he really appreciated it because he earned it. When we got home and I emptied the fuzzy jar and asked him what he wanted to work for this time, he yelled, "Toy store!"

I feel like by staying home this year, we really got to enjoy our little kiddos. Drew and Bryn are so wonderful -- and we got three weeks to just be together. How I love those little faces!!!

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